Metronomik Archives Wiki
Metronomik Archives Wiki

Chef Sunchine is a background character that appears briefly in No Straight Roads.



Chef Sunshine is a short, pink person. They have puffy orange hair and a turquoise and cyan striped collared shirt with a white heart pin. They wear brown bottoms and have freckles present on their round cheeks.

They appear on Mayday and Zuke's tv for a brief period of time while leading what seems to be a broadcasted cooking show. Mayday then punches the screen for a second time claiming that there were no NSR channels on that she could be mad at.


  • Their voice actor is actually Chinese!


No Straight Roads + Encore Edition
Bunk Bed Junction MaydayZuke
NSR TatianaDJ Subatomic SupernovaSayu (RemiTilaDodoSofa) • Yinu1010 (Neon J.) • Eve
Other Antagonists DK WestYinu's Mother
Supporting Characters EllieKliffGigiZamBarbaraMiaAuntyZedAzmaDashJoeyRobotRetdexTimmyCaptain TorpedoDaphne & JanAmal the UnicornKayaneYirukCeline
Background Characters Yinu's FatherChef SunshineMystery Man
Vinyl City
Districts Cast TechAkusukaNaturaMetro DivisionDream Fever
Locations The SewersFestival PlazaClub PlanetariumKura Kura Stream HubNatura Concert HallBarraca MansionEvenfall GalleryNSR Tower
Items QwasaGrand QwasaStickersModsCollectibles
Music Vs. DJ SUBATOMIC SUPERNOVAVs. SAYUDK West Encounter 1Vs. YINUVs. 1010Vs. EVEVs. TATIANADK West Encounter 2DK West Encounter 3