Metronomik Archives Wiki
Metronomik Archives Wiki

The Evenfall Gallery is the art exhibition that Eve is hosting, as well as the event that Bunk Bed Junction hijacked in order to claim the Dream Fever district from NSR.


The outdoors of the gallery contains a similar aesthetic to Dream Fever, with a walkway leading to the gallery. The walkway is lined with pillars containing pictures of Eve and leads to a triangular gate with an eye in the middle. The exhibition hall has a giant mural of Eve covering the front, and a giant eye looking down from the top of the building. Within the Evenfall area resides Retdex, Joey, Celine, and Daphne & Jan.


Broken Heart[]

  • Mayday: "It’s a broken heart. Hey... it’s just a broken heart! I get it! Finally, something that’s simple to understand!"
  • Zuke: "Whoah, looks oddly familiar. Hang on... it looks like something Eve and I made back in college. Except this one is a broken heart... oh."

Diva Water Frame[]

  • Mayday: "This feels just weird! I love the colors but it looks just like a high-tech hour glass? Is this still art...?"
  • Zuke: "This device seems to use a mixture of sand and kinetic osmosis to filter out drinking water. Despite her flaws, Eve always cared for other people."

Rupturika Statuette[]

  • Mayday: "Finally, something I can appreciate! A dancing statue from... from... I really have no idea. *sigh*"
  • Zuke: "It’s a Rupturika Statuette. How rare. Most of these statuettes were either repurposed for their material, or simply kept away in stores by collectors. To see one lying around like this is insane..."


The pyramidal shape of the gallery could be a reference to the Louvre Pyramid, a large glass and metal pyramid designed by Chinese-American architect Ieoh Ming Pei, located in the main courtyard of the Louvre Palace in Paris, France.

  • The Diva Water Frame's hourglass design may be inspired by the Time Pieces, the main goal of the 2017 game A Hat In Time by Gears For Breakfast.