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Metronomik Archives Wiki

Robot is an NPC within No Straight Roads.


Robot is just a lanky, generic robot with a baby blue color scheme and yellow eyelights.


Robot seems to be a communicative and casual individual, oftentimes talking to Zuke through dialogue about likely recent happenings or gossip. Though he is only capable of speaking though one word, 'robot,' this is apparently a language that can be learned by humans and is equal to English. He also seems to be fascinated by the arcade machine Bunkbed Junction keeps in their Sewer Base, as he spends his time over it.


  • In No Straight Roads' Japanese dub, Robot is voiced by Kiyosato Takaya, who is also the voice of Jan.
  • In No Straight Roads' English dub, Robot is voiced by Wan Danny of MGAG, who also voiced the crowds.
  • Robot is the 17th non-playable character to appear in the #StarsofVinylCity event.



  1. Robot's Japanese voice actor revealed (Twitter, Japanese)
No Straight Roads + Encore Edition
Bunk Bed Junction MaydayZuke
NSR TatianaDJ Subatomic SupernovaSayu (RemiTilaDodoSofa) • Yinu1010 (Neon J.) • Eve
Other Antagonists DK WestYinu's Mother
Supporting Characters EllieKliffGigiZamBarbaraMiaAuntyZedAzmaDashJoeyRobotRetdexTimmyCaptain TorpedoDaphne & JanAmal the UnicornKayaneYirukCeline
Background Characters Yinu's FatherChef SunshineMystery Man
Vinyl City
Districts Cast TechAkusukaNaturaMetro DivisionDream Fever
Locations The SewersFestival PlazaClub PlanetariumKura Kura Stream HubNatura Concert HallBarraca MansionEvenfall GalleryNSR Tower
Items QwasaGrand QwasaStickersModsCollectibles
Music Vs. DJ SUBATOMIC SUPERNOVAVs. SAYUDK West Encounter 1Vs. YINUVs. 1010Vs. EVEVs. TATIANADK West Encounter 2DK West Encounter 3